Constipation in Children
Constipation is a common issue in children, often leading to discomfort and frustration for both children and their families. It can result from various factors, including diet, hydration, and stress. In some cases, constipation can lead to encopresis, or fecal soiling, when impacted stool causes leakage. Fortunately, there are several strategies and resources to help parents manage and treat constipation effectively.
Resources to Help Understand and Treat Constipation:
- The Poo in You (Video): A simple, easy-to-follow video that explains constipation and encopresis (fecal soiling).
- Constipation in Children: Understanding and Treating This Common Problem (Video): This video helps explain how constipation develops, general treatment options, and how long it may take to resolve the issue.
- The Potty Wars by Libby Robbins, PhD: A short, informative book on constipation, encopresis, and potty training. Dr. Robbins is a therapist in Northern Virginia who has extensive experience working with children affected by these conditions.
- NASPGHAN Statement on Miralax Safety: Important safety concerns and frequently asked questions regarding the use of Miralax, a common laxative for children.
Dietary and Lifestyle Interventions:
Dietary Supplement for Constipation: Fruit-eze: Stone fruits like prunes, peaches, and cherries are high in sorbitol, a natural sugar that can help alleviate constipation. Fruit-eze is a supplement containing these fruits and can be a helpful addition to a child’s diet, reducing the need for medications.
Squatty Potty: Proper positioning can aid bowel movements. While the Squatty Potty is a popular product, a simple foot stool can also help achieve the same effect.